Thank you to all who attended the 2019 Utah Alcohol Policy Summit! Below are the PowerPoints that have been submitted by our speakers.

Alcohol Policy Summit Review woman on laptop

2019 Alcohol Policy Summit

Steve Schmidt UT Alcohol Policy Summit 10.18.19

The goals and challenges for alcohol policy and regulation today are very similar to those the country faced when prohibition of alcohol ended: preventing harms related to public health and safety; responsibly meeting consumer demands; and ensuring that government has the revenue to pay for services and costs needed to meet these goals. This presentation will provide some historical perspective explaining key aspects of alcohol regulation and policy that exists in Utah today, the present-day challenges, and what can be done to prepare for and respond to these challenges.

Alcohol Lori Weigel Utah 2019 FINAL

The Center for Alcohol Policy has tracked Americans’ views of alcohol regulation for over a decade.  Lori Weigel of New Bridge Strategy, a Colorado research firm, will present the key findings of this year’s survey which found most Americans are fairly satisfied with regulations in their state and prioritize safety and health when considering how to craft any new legislation or policies. The survey also briefly explored perceptions of marijuana in light of changing laws in many states across the country. 

Karriker Jaffe Alcohol Secondhand Harm UT Policy Summit FINAL

Restrictive alcohol policies are associated with less problem drinking, and they can protect against some harms and consequences of binge drinking. New research examines alcohol’s secondhand harms – including vandalism, violence and drunk driving, as well as family problems and financial harms caused by someone else’s drinking.

An extensive study examined relationships between U.S. states’ alcohol policy environments and individuals’ experience of secondhand effects due to someone else’s drinking. State alcohol policies appear to be effective in reducing aggression-related harms and vehicular hazards caused by other drinkers, particularly for those under 40 years of age.

Pam Erickson Utah 2019 Fair Trade Practices for Alcohol

Why is a Fair and Even Alcohol Marketplace Critical for Public Health and Safety? This presentation will answer that question.  It will describe the historical problems that lead to our current system’s development and then show how future problems are curtailed. 

The system is strengthened by multiple measures used to curb such actions as aggressive sales to minors and binge drinkers.  These measures–including the three-tier system and fair-trade practice regulations–will be described in an easy-to-understand format.  The presentation will conclude with the consequences of recent deregulation examples and highlight the strong public support for basic alcohol regulation. 

Peter Erickson Epic Brewery Tour

Epic is one of Utah’s 30 craft breweries who collectively employ 3,000 Utahns with an average annual wage of $44 thousand and have a $450 million economic impact on the state of Utah.

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