Welcome! Thanks for stopping by. The Utah Valley Drug Prevention Coalition is a community volunteer effort that has been around for over 10 years. Our mission is to prevent and reduce alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, and prescription drug misuse among youth living in Utah County.

Our vision is a substance misuse-free Utah County where prevention science is used at every level from individual to community. We created this website to share information on effective prevention. Check out the tabs above to find more information specific to your area of influence.

Also, we love to have new members, so if you want information about joining our coalition, contact us!

As a coalition we use strategies proven effective for community change. Some of our action items include: 

  • Influencing drug and alcohol policy
  • Providing information on drugs and alcohol
  • Decreasing youth access to drugs and alcohol
  • Building skills to help parents talk to youth about drugs and alcohol
  • Decreasing alcohol and e-cigarette displays in stores
  • Providing physicians training on pain management and opioid reduction
  • Prescription drug disposal and take back events

Awards and Recognition

Strategic Prevention Framework. 

DPC functions using The Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF). SPF is a five-step planning process to help us provide culturally appropriate, and sustainable prevention activities.

The SPF process can help us effectively :

  • Promote youth development
  • Reduce risk-taking behaviors
  • Build assets and resilience
  • Prevent problem behaviors

There are five steps in the SPF process that guide our coalition: 


  1. Assess prevention needs based on epidemiological data
  2. Build prevention capacity
  3. Develop a strategic plan
  4. Implement effective community prevention programs, policies, and practices
  5. Evaluate processes and outcomes

At the heart of SPF is sustainability and cultural competence, to ensure our efforts can be long-term and appropriate for the population being served, in this case, youth in Utah Valley. The SPF is built on a community-based risk and protective factors approach to prevention. Also, there is a series of guiding principles that can be utilized at the federal, state or tribal, and community levels. Learn more at here!

DCP uses 7 Strategies for Community Change: 


These seven strategies are prove effective for community level change. We use these strategies to guide us as we create our action plan based on local needs.